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ART IN THE GARDENS – Join us in a celebration of creative expression and gorgeous gardens Saturday, August 3 and Sunday, August 4. Advanced tickets highly recommended... See schedule and GET TICKETS!


Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean

Birds of MCBG

Black Oystercatcher gallery image
Cedar Waxwing gallery image
Hermit Thrush gallery image
White-crowned Sparrow gallery image
Wild Turkey (displaying) gallery image
Summer Tanager gallery image
California Quail (male) gallery image
Pileated Woodpecker gallery image
Osprey gallery image
Acorn Woodpecker gallery image
Aleutian Cackling Goose gallery image
American Coot gallery image
American Goldfinch gallery image
American Pipit gallery image
American Robin gallery image
Ash-throated Flycatcher gallery image
Band-tailed Pigeon gallery image
Barn Swallow gallery image
Belted Kingfisher gallery image
Black Brant gallery image
Black Phoebe gallery image
Black Turnstone gallery image
Black-headed Grosbeak gallery image
Black-headed Grosbeak (juvenile) gallery image
Black-legged Kittiwake gallery image
Black-throated Gray Warbler gallery image
Brown Creeper gallery image
Brown Pelican gallery image
Brown Pelican (juvenile) gallery image
Brown-headed Cowbird gallery image
Bufflehead gallery image
California Gull gallery image
California Quail (female and male) gallery image
Canada Goose gallery image
Caspian Tern gallery image
Chestnut-backed Chickadee gallery image
Cliff Swallow gallery image
Common Bushtit gallery image
Common Loon gallery image
Common Merganser gallery image
Common Murre gallery image
Common Raven gallery image
Common Yellowthroat gallery image
Double-crested Cormorant gallery image
Downy Woodpecker gallery image
Eared Grebe gallery image
Eurasian Starling gallery image
Fox Sparrow gallery image
Glaucous-winged Gull (adult) gallery image
Glaucous-winged Gull (juvenile) gallery image
Golden-crowned Kinglet gallery image
Golden-crowned Sparrow gallery image
Great Blue Heron gallery image
Great Egret gallery image
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs gallery image
Greater Scaup gallery image
Green Heron gallery image
Hairy Woodpecker gallery image
Hermit Warbler gallery image
Herring Gull gallery image
Hooded Oriole gallery image
Horned Grebe gallery image
House Finch (male) gallery image
House Finch (female) gallery image
House Sparrow gallery image
Killdeer gallery image
Lark Sparrow gallery image
Least Sandpiper gallery image
Lesser Goldfinch (male) gallery image
Lesser Goldfinch (female) gallery image
Mallard (male and female) gallery image
Marbled Godwit gallery image
Marbled Murrelet gallery image
Marsh Wren gallery image
Merlin gallery image
Mew Gull gallery image
Mourning Dove gallery image
Myrtle Warbler gallery image
Northern Pygmy Owl gallery image
Northern Fulmar gallery image
Northern Harrier gallery image
Northern Mocking Bird gallery image
Olive-sided Flycatcher gallery image
Orange-crowned Warbler gallery image
Oregon Junco (male) gallery image
Oregon Junco (female) gallery image
Pacific Loon (winter plummage) gallery image
Pacific Slope Flycatcher gallery image
Palm Warbler gallery image
Pectoral Sandpiper gallery image
Pelagic Cormorant gallery image
Peregrine Falcon gallery image
Pigeon Guillemot gallery image
Pine Siskin gallery image
Purple Finch (male) gallery image
Purple Finch (female) gallery image
Purple Martin gallery image
Pygmy Nuthatch gallery image
Red Crossbill (male) gallery image
Red Crossbill (female) gallery image
Red Phalarope gallery image
Red-breasted Merganser (male) gallery image
Red-breasted Nuthatch gallery image
Red-breasted Sapsucker gallery image
Red-necked Grebe gallery image
Red-necked Phalarope (winter plummage) gallery image
Red-shafted Flicker (male) gallery image
Red-shafted Flicker (female) gallery image
Red-shouldered Hawk gallery image
Red-shouldered Hawk (in flight with Common Raven) gallery image
Red-tailed Hawk gallery image
Red-tailed Hawk (in flight) gallery image
Red-throated Loon gallery image
Red-throated Loon (winter plummage) gallery image
Red-winged Blackbird (male) gallery image
Red-winged Blackbird (female) gallery image
Rhinoceros Auklet gallery image
Ring-necked Duck (male) gallery image
Rock Pigeon gallery image
Rose-breasted Grosbeak gallery image
Rough-winged Swallow gallery image
Ruby-crowned Kinglet gallery image
Ruby-crowned Kinglet gallery image
Ruddy Turnstone gallery image
Ruddy Turnstone (in flight) gallery image
Rufous Hummingbird (male) gallery image
Savannah Sparrow gallery image
Semipalmated Plover (adult) gallery image
Semipalmated Plover (juvenile) gallery image
Sharp-shinned Hawk gallery image
Sharp-shinned Hawk (in flight) gallery image
Snowy Egret gallery image
Song Sparrow gallery image
Sooty Shearwater gallery image
Spotted Sandpiper gallery image
Spotted Towhee gallery image
Surf Scoter gallery image
Surfbird gallery image
Tree Swallow gallery image
Tree Swallow (in flight) gallery image
Turkey Vulture gallery image
Turkey Vulture (in flight) gallery image
Varied Thrush (male) gallery image
Varied Thrush (female) gallery image
Violet-green Swallow gallery image
Virginia Rail gallery image
Wandering Tattler gallery image
Warbling Vireo gallery image
Western Grebe gallery image
Western Gull gallery image
Western Gull (trio with chicks) gallery image
Western Meadowlark gallery image
Western Scrub Jay gallery image
Western Tanager gallery image
Western Wood-pewee gallery image
Whimbrel gallery image
White-tailed Kite gallery image
White-winged Scoter gallery image
Wild Turkey gallery image
Willow Flycatcher gallery image
Winter Wren gallery image
Wood Duck (male) gallery image
Wrentit gallery image
Yellow Warbler gallery image

HINT Click the images above for a closer look!

(Photos by local wildlife photographer Ron LeValley. Visit his online gallery at

Over 160 species of birds live in or visit the Gardens each year!

Join the experts from our local Mendocino Coast chapter of the Audubon Society and learn more about our avian friends. Walks start at the Gardens entrance.

Monthly walks are as follows:

  • Beginning Birding: 1st Saturday, 9:00 am
  • Early Bird Walk: 3rd Wednesday, 8:00 am  (April through October)
  • Early Bird Walk: 3rd Wednesday, 8:30 am  (November through March)

CLICK HERE for more information on birding walks at the Gardens.