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Fall Plant Sale daily 9AM to 5PM through October 11. Learn more...



Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean

MCBG Board of Directors


  • Tim Gage – President
  • Keith Stiver – Vice President
  • Sandy Scott – Treasurer
  • Tracy Barrett – Secretary
  • Barbara Burkey – MCRPD Representative
  • Susan Cimmiyotti
  • Jean Mann
  • Lisa McCormack
  • Jeanine Nadel
  • Liz O'Hara
  • Howard Pollack
  • Jill Surdzial


The Board of Directors for the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00PM in the MCBG Farmhouse and via Zoom.

Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens' mission is to engage and enrich lives by displaying and conserving plants in harmony with our Northern California coastal ecosystems and to preserve public access to the coast. 

Our Vision

  • To be a treasured resource that inspires joy and learning through our exquisite gardens and important collections, restored natural environment, and unique cultural history.
  • To provide superior plant selections and excellent design in display and demonstration gardens while protecting native plants and wildlife habitat in conservation areas.

Our Values

  • Community:  We will be a resource for inspiration, learning, and recreation for our local and extended communities.
  • Relationships:  We respect and value all members of the Gardens community—visitors, staff, volunteers, members, and contributors.
  • Conservation:  We will protect the plants, the natural environment, and the cultural history of the land we occupy.
  • Excellence: We will strive for the highest professional standards in everything we do.
  • Fiscal Stewardship:  It is our responsibility to ensure the fiscal health of the Gardens.
  • Integrity:  We will conduct all activities in an open, ethical, and inclusive manner.
  • Sustainability:  We will manage the resources of the Gardens in an environmentally responsible manner.