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ART IN THE GARDENS – Join us in a celebration of creative expression and gorgeous gardens Saturday, August 3 and Sunday, August 4. Advanced tickets highly recommended... See schedule and GET TICKETS!


Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, 47 acres of botanical bliss fronting the Pacific Ocean

Annual Rhododendron Show

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Winners of 2017 Best New Seedling - Phil & Lucy Johnson | Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
2017 Show Chairpersons Julie & Bruce Donaldson | Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
Show workers Kathy, Ken, and Fran | Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
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Dick Jones & Rosalie Stanley | Photo by Linda Lawley, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
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Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
Judges Richard & Parker | Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
Barbara McGuire and daughters | Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
One of MCBG
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The elegant tent featured a cascade of vibrant rhododendrons, raffles, a silent auction, people
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Sweepstakes winners, Dennis and Valerie McKiver show off some of their winning trusses. Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
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Photo by Dick Jones, Noyo Chapter American Rhododendron Society gallery image
The Gardens took away quite a few awards this year! gallery image
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HINT Click the images above for a closer look!


Total Number of Entries in 2018: 826
Total Number of Ribbons Awarded 2018: 333

Trophy Winners

Best of Show - Theresa & Byron Jonk, ‘Fragrantissimum Improved’ spray

Best Noyo Chief - Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens

Best Deciduous Azalea Truss – Lloyd G. Turner Memorial Award

Fran & Ted Steinhardt, Exbury hybrid

Best Deciduous Azalea Spray – Rose Turner Award

Tom & Kathy Charters, Exbury hybrid

Best Evergreen Azalea Spray - Philip B. Cornell Memorial Award

Dennis & Valerie McKiver, ‘Cayuga’

Best Evergreen Azalea Truss – Noyo Chapter Trophy

Valerie & Dennis McKiver, ‘Sweetheart Supreme’

Best New Introduction – Peter Schick Memorial Trophy

Phillip and Lucy Johnson, ‘Noyo Chief’ X R. rex

Best Red Rhododendron – Celeri & Son Nursery Trophy

Dick Jones, ‘Jim Drewry’

Best Lavender Rhododendron

Dennis & Valerie McKiver, ‘Fasteosum Flore Pleno’

Best White Rhododendron - David and Rhoda Ward Trophy

John Winding, ‘Egret’

Best Large Hybrid Spray - Bluewater Trophy

Dick Jones, ‘Southern Cloud’

Best Small Species Rhododendron - The Philp Family Trophy

Valerie & Dennis McKiver, R. russatum

Best Yakushimanum Hybrid Truss - Bill & Lorraine Fee Trophy

Dick Jones, ‘Senator Jackson’

Best Pink Rhododendron - Mendocino Coast Botanical Garden Trophy

Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, ‘White Pearl’

People’s Choice – Dennis & Valerie McKiver, ‘True Blood’

Sweepstakes Award – Dennis & Valerie McKiver